Discovering History
History with Ms. Sabatos
World War Two
Rise of Totalitarianism
A form of government which exercises complete control over all of its subjects politically, economically, socially, culturally, and religiously. Civil and human rights are not guaranteed in a totalitarian government.
Various systems of government can have totalitarianism forms, including socialism/communism (ex. Stalin) and Fascism (ex Hitler).
Socialism and Communism
Socialism is a stepping stone to communism. In socialism, the community or state controls the means of production. Communism is a society in which property is owned by the public and each citizen is paid according to their needs. Those who support communism do not advocate for nationalism.
EX. Stalin's Russia
Fascism is an authoritarian system of government which is extremely nationalistic. The state is always more important than the individual, creating a centralized government and few freedoms for the individuals. Propaganda has been a useful tool in the past for this system of government.
EX. Hitler's Germany
Mussolini's Italy
Adolf Hitler rose to power in the 1930's through the use of propaganda, charisma, and providing solutions to the the trials of society. His dictatorship based itself upon the extreme nationalism of Germany and loyalty to the state (the basis of a fascist dictatorship). Hitler himself was not a;ways the best leader, some saying he was sporadic with his orders and demanding throughout all hours of the day and night.